Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tres Leches Cake Pop Tester

I know for all of you Tres Leches cake lovers, this is not your typical Tres Leches experience. That cake is usually moistened with a yummy sweet milky sauce underneath a creamy light frosting. I could not mimic that experience into a cake pop. However, I think I got the flavor down. Most feedback on this was that it was good tasting and sweeter than my normal cake pops. I chose the purple because I made these for my daughter's baptism and she happened to have some light lavendar floral designs on her baptismal dress. They are covered in a sugar crystal and white pearlized jimmies combination. (It's fun knowing the actual names of different sprinkles!)

Anyway, leftovers. BUT...I'll let you know when the next Tres Leches roll-out is! Next up, Banana Cake Pops with coconut on the outside.

Thank you to my cake pop supporters!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chocolate & Candy Dipped Pretzels

Just adding to the sweet tooth repertoire. These are fun and easy to do. I had all the ingredients, so why not?! Made some for July 4th and other occasions. They are definitely yummy!